Photographer's Freedom

Beginner – Better – Business

Nikon D5200 Menu Settings Part 2

The Shooting Menu

Nikon D5200 Menu Settings Part 2 is an in-depth look into the shooting menu.  I take you through each setting, explain how to set them up, and what each one is used for.

The Nikon D5200 Menu Settings is a series of videos that will become like a video manual for the D5200.

The Nikon D5200 has many menus and there are a lot of settings within those menus. It can be confusing and take a long time to figure out what they all do. In this Nikon D5200 Menu Settings series, I hope to help you to understand the camera’s menu settings.

This is a Nikon tutorial for beginners but it will also help you if you are further along in your photography and still want to know how to use your Nikon D5200.

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